
  • BrainInfo is a portal to neuroanatomical information on the Web. It helps you identify structures in the brain and provides a variety of information about each structure by porting you to the best of 1500 web pages at 50 other neuroscience sites. http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/Default.aspx
  • The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA) is an evolving computer-based knowledge source for biomedical informatics; it is concerned with the representation of classes or types and relationships necessary for the symbolic representation of the phenotypic structure of the human body in a form that is understandable to humans and is also navigable, parseable and interpretable by machine-based systems. Specifically, the FMA is a domain ontology that represents a coherent body of explicit declarative knowledge about human anatomy. http://sig.biostr.washington.edu/projects/fm/index.html
  • The UMLS, or Unified Medical Language System, is a set of files and software that brings together many health and biomedical vocabularies and standards to enable interoperability between computer systems. You can use the UMLS to enhance or develop applications, such as electronic health records, classification tools, dictionaries and language translators. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/
  • BIRN Ontology Task Force. The Ontologies task force reviews and recommends policy for the BIRN.  It was initiated by the BIRN Executive Committee to review the issue of different ontological reference interpretations by audience: anatomists, clinicians, genomics, pathologists, diagnosticians, and neurologists. The ontology task force will recommend a process for mapping between each of these vocabularies. http://www-calit2.nbirn.net/research/ontology/ontology_taskforce.shtm

  • SEMANTIC WEB for the WORKING ONTOLOGIST cuts through the hype around the Semantic Web, providing a simple, feasible, coherent story of a technology that provides real business value today. Authors Allemang and Hendler describe how the Semantic Web builds on the same principles that powered the success of Wikipedia, and of the World Wide Web itself. http://www.workingontologist.org/
  • Le 27 janvier 2011, la municipalité de Paris ouvrait une partie de ses données publiques sur le site internet opendata.paris.fr, une initiative liée au mouvement OpenData qui s’est notamment fait connaître lors de la campagne présidentielle américaine, à l’initiative du président Obama, et qui a débouché sur la création du data.gov américain et du data.gov.uk anglais. Une initiative nationale française est en cours de réflexion au sein d’Etatlab. Parisemantique.fr, initiative privée sans financement, s’est fixé comme objectif d’une part de traduire le maximum de données publiques issues du mouvement parisien en données aisément compréhensibles par les machines à l’aide des technologies dite du “Web sémantique” (ou ‘Web des données’ voire ‘Web 3.0′) et d’autre part de favoriser l’exploration de ces données par les utilisateurs à l’aide d’une interface facilement abordable et conçue dans un esprit collaboratif et participatif. http://parisemantique.fr/